Have you seen the film 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'?  Well as an avid follower of fashion, I watched it and felt sick at how much it reminded me of me!  Even my mom said the same!

In a nutshell Rebecca Bloomwood (played by Isla Fisher) is a journalist who is addicted to fashion, clothes and spending all she has on them! Ahem!

She accumulates so much debt without realising that she decides the only way to drag herself out of it is to have a sale, which she does and she gets the whole $16,000 to clear the debt!

Ok, so there are some exaggerations in the comparison to me (she breathes) but I have drawn some inspiration from Miss Bloomwood to furk through my fashion collection to see what is saleable and ultimately desirable.

I honestly didn't realise how many designer items I'd collected over the years and found it interesting to reflect on how my shopping habits had changed.  Over the years I had splashed out on Louis Vuitton 'classics' (or so I thought!), Dior and Gucci shoes, purses and bags, Missoni scarves not to mention Cavallis dresses and some Chanel make-up brushes - unused!  I know there's an old style pair of Gucci sunnies somewhere too, just got to get my hands on them!  As I scoured through, the sickness overtook me even more, not just because of how much money was tied up in them but also how they had literally only been worn or used once and were hardly touched!  Whoever bags these has a true bargain!

I am not sure there is such thing as an investment piece these days.  I honestly think we have the opportunity to buy such great pieces at lower prices and on top of that do we really want a piece for life?  I don't think fashion or even style work that way anymore.  Even leather jackets, which has always been an investment in my book, the style and cut change with times, trends and your own style evolves.  I guarantee it will look outdated within five years.

I get so much more pleasure out of seeking out a bargain these days and styling it up in my way to create a look.  I think part of this comes from my Styling training and work, where I better understand my colours and how to dress for my shape and personality (discover yours through my styling site www.styleoursouls.com and save yourself £1,000s literally!)  I love inspiring others in this way and seeing the excitement on their faces and the spring in their step as they leave my sessions - and I'm talking women who came to me with no idea or even interest in style or fashion.

I also think a contributing factor to my shopping habits changing is how much better our high street has become, not only in the offering but also the quality they provide for the money.  The turn around of styles, trends and pieces in shops like Zara and H&M and of course Primark is phenomenal, if you don't buy it when you see it, consider it gone


My clear-out has been ultimately inspired by my move across the pond and this is a great angle to take when you're sifting through.  Look at your wardrobe and accessories and ask yourself:

1) Have I worn it in the last 6 months?
2) If I was leaving the country would I take it with me?
3) If I sell it/give it away/ditch it will I remember it in two months time?
4) Will I give it away; sell it; give it to charity; throw it away?

Things I wouldn't normally throw out I've found myself being more ruthless with, you know those items where you think, well I MIGHT wear it!  All it does is gather more dust and take up more space!

I have then found a number of 'vehicles' to sell my items through....

1) Car Boot Sales
Not the most stylish of venues you may think, but I have no shame and don't underestimate the money you can convert your items into here.  There is a definite 'boot' scene and for those of you who love a good 'rummage', I reckon there are some steals to be had at your local car boot!  One woman's throw away item is another's gem!  Admittedly, I got rained on right through to my skin but the 'booters' LOVED my goodies and are asking where I'll be next!?  If your items are branded and in good condition, they will be snapped up, guaranteed.  One of my friends said she couldn't face 'booting' for a mere couple of hundred pounds, but remember those pennies make pounds and how good will you feel knowing your fash made you cash!

2) Online Designer Recycling Type Sites
There are a number of these popping up probably because the founder herself at some point found herself with a similar situation to mine and realised there are lots of other women out there who have gems hidden away!

Having a facility to sell on designer goods also means if you do splash the cash again, you'll be able to sell it on once you've had your fun with it!

I've been using www.hardlyeverwornit.com to great success.  I posted recently about how it all works, you basically post your used designer pieces with pics for others to shop, bid on or make offers on.  The site takes 15% of the fee, but the listing fee is currently free.  I've got a meeting planned with the owner and love the culture and approach to this site, so it comes highly recommended by The Chiconomista

3) Ebay
No doubt you know about this one, but I have to say it has become a little more sophisticated since I last used it and only for your benefit as it protects both the buyer and the seller.  There are fees involved, so make sure you check all of this as you want to turn your 'cash' into cash not lose money and just give it away!  Start your bids at 99p and set a reserve on anything you want to secure a set amount on.  Post clear pics showing differing angles and any defects etc

Since starting my 'Fash Into Cash' Project only two weeks ago, I have managed to accumulate nearly £1,500 from clothes and accessories gathering dust in my wardrobe, forgotten and unworn!  So a bit of 'booting' was definitely worth it!  I'm now doing a second detox, being even more ruthless than the first round preparing for my 'booting' crowds this weekend!

Let me know if you have any successes or want some more tips on turning your 'fash into cash'.

Happy earning! xo

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