The sun has shone upon the UK for the past few days now and although I still think it's cold, today felt decidedly warmer.  Well, come on I have gotten used to Californian weather over the past couple of years, so it has to be 80+ for me to bare flesh!  I know how hard it can be for you ladies out there when it comes to your wardrobe as the weather changes.

Woolies feel a little fusty and winter fabrics feel too heavy, right?  Your shoes feel too clompy, yet it isn't quite warm enough or appropriate enough to wear flip flops?  So what do you wear when the weather changes?

I'm actually doing a Style Event this coming Thursday in Birmingham focused around just this (couldn't have timed it better really!) called WAKE UP YOUR WARDROBE FOR SPRING, if you're in the area, come and see us! www.styleoursouls.com/wp/latest-style-scoop

We are going to be showing how to bring some life into your wardrobe, use items you have and update your look in an instant - effortlessly and on a budget!  I don't want to give too much away, as I know how excited everyone is about coming, but I thought I'd give my Chic-y followers some tips along the way!


(IMAGE - Copyright The Chiconomista)

BE COOL WHEN THE SUN SHINES - I've seen an array of fashion faux-pas since the sun has come out and without being critical, which I never am in my job as a Stylist, it really isn't the height of summer just yet.  Guys, put those translucent legs away and ladies, there is never a time when underwear should be shown.  We Brits go a bit crazy at the first sight of sun and it really isn't stylish to wear 'high summer' pieces at the first sign of sun.  I've learned this from the West Coasters, who do summer chic so effortlessly

OPT FOR TRANS-SEASONAL PIECES - I was once told my wardrobe wasn't 'summer and winter', it was in fact split into four seasons!  Don't take this as meaning I spend huge amounts on the four seasonal split, quite the opposite!  You know by now, my take is all about the style and how it looks, not the price ticket!  I do think it is a good idea to have key pieces that are trans-seasonal and then some pieces which are specific to their own season (i.e. one of the four)  What I mean by this is say a blazer or leather jacket would be a trans-seasonal piece that can be layered and worn throughout each season; so would vest tops fit into the trans-seasonal category.  A thick woolly would be obviously high winter and thong sandals high summer...horts and some short skirts can be trans-seasonal if worn with opaque tights in the winter; where lightweight trousers or jackets will be more spring/summer...get it?

SPRING CLEAN YOUR WARDROBE & LOOK - Having a good ole Spring clean never hurt anyone and is a great idea when it comes to your wardrobe.  Detoxing is a great way of reviewing what you've already got or what needs refreshing.  I do lots of WARDROBE AUDIT & WARDROBE DETOX for clients and have to say, I love them!  Not only because it's so therapeutic for the client to get rid of the old and in with the new, but also because sometimes we find a hidden gem that we can re-work into a fab new look!

My best example of this was with a lovely client who had a Calvin Klein taupe lightweight suit from when her 10 year old son had been Christened.  Together the dress and jacket looked dated, but in a moment of inspiration, we took the jacket, left it open, rolled back the sleeves and teamed it with a simple tee and skinnies and it looked amazing!  Blazers are great ones for resurrecting, rolling back the sleeves and leaving loose will give it a new lease of Spring life!   We then took the shift dress, layered it over a shirt, added a red belt and shoes and she had a new work outfit!  Needless to say, she was thrilled!

I truly think style evolves and it really is about who you are now.  Don't hold onto a look you had when you were say young, free and single.  You have to keep moving with the times.  That doesn't mean enslaving yourself to fashion, it means adapting a look for you, your shape, your style, lifestyle and personality.

So get rooting through and see what you hidden gem you can find, now that's chiconomics if ever I heard it!

For more tips or indeed to book your own WARDROBE AUDIT, visit www.styleoursouls.com/wp/2012/march-2012/wake-up-your-wardrobe-for-spring.

Don't worry if you're not in our area or even in another country, we now offer some FANTASTIC ONLINE PERSONAL STYLING services!  You don't need to be a techy, all you need is a laptop, webcam and Skype account (which is free!)  We can even do a WARDROBE AUDIT online!  What are you waiting for!

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